Sunday, September 19, 2010

Comments prepared by Republican nominee Joe Miller on September 17, 2010

Tonight I am pleased to be joined by many Alaskans who were supporting Senator Murkowski’s campaign in the primary. They are standing with me as a visible sign of the unity that we need, in order to take change to Washington, D.C. and to protect Alaska’s future.

As Alaskans we have differences on some issues, and that is to be expected. But what unites us at this time is vastly more important than what divides us. What unites us is our conviction that the federal government -- under the leadership of President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi– is leading our country toward economic ruin.

When we look to the history of our country, it is very clear that each generation of Americans has left this country a stronger and better place for the generations that follow. To ensure that we are able to do the same we must change course. It is our duty as citizens and stewards of our country to do everything in our power to create a more prosperous nation for the future.

The Late Senator Ted Stevens agreed when he said earlier this year:

“…I believe that this is no time for new programs. It’s time to review all existing programs and to cut federal expenditures wherever possible

“This is a tough time. Tax bills that they will inherit because of our nation’s current debt are astronomical. Clearly there’s a need for a reconsideration of all that we’ve done in the past that led to this fantastic level of debt.”

In addition to concerns over the national economy, Alaska’s economy is threatened by the policies of President Obama and Congress. Lisa Murkowski has been on the liberal side of the policy debate on too many issues ranging from TARP to Cap and Trade.

This evening, I encourage all Alaskans who are concerned about the direction of this country to continue in their support of this campaign. I also want to thank my fellow Republicans for uniting behind us in this crucial mission.

We were hopeful that Senator Murkowski would be as gracious in defeat as she had encouraged me to be.
Senator Murkowski spent a lot of time quoting our late Senator Ted Stevens tonight, but she seemed to forget what he said this last February at the Lincoln Day Dinner:

“ . . . I do hope that we can avoid electing people who would destroy another Republican in order to bring about personal success.”

I trust the people of Alaska will not become cynical; as yet another DC politician has broken her word.
For them, my message is simple; I am a conservative. This country is headed in the wrong direction. I believe the federal government has gone too far. I want to rein in federal spending, roll back excessive regulation, AND reduce taxes. Some call these views extreme; I call them common sense.
I am FOR Alaska. I came here because I believe this is the greatest State, in the greatest nation, and I will do all that is in my power to protect its future.

Because it is my children's future; it is OUR children’s future. We know change will not come FROM Washington, but I am determined to take change TO Washington. Thank you, and God Bless.


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