Friday, December 3, 2010

Miller: Four Important Things

Serious legal issues, allegations of voter fraud, and both sides in the Alaska US Senate Race claiming uncounted ballots have resulted in a complicated legal quagmire with no apparent end in sight. The election cannot be certified until the issues are resolved. A hand-count of all the ballots could change the outcome of the election.

Three things you need to know:

* First, a federal judge has ruled that there are serious legal issues which the Alaska courts must decide before the election can be certified. And less than 1% of the uncontested ballots separate Murkowski and me.

* Second, just today, Murkowski's attorneys argued in court that the two thousand ballots that weren't counted for her may make the difference in this election! In other words, Murkowski has now admitted that this is a very, very tight race where every ballot counts.

* Third, numerous of affidavits have now been filed attesting to serious charges of election neglect and seemingly outright fraud.

* Fourth, Lisa Murkowski is back in Washington voting for more wasteful spending and pork barrel projects to pay off special interests which spent $1.5 million to attack me this election.

Let’s review how we got here.

Lisa Murkowski refused to accept the will of the voters in August when we won the Republican primary. She then ventured on with a costly write-in campaign, breaking her vow to accept the results. She, with the assistance of multi-billion dollar special-interest corporations, then engaged a vicious -- and false -- smear campaign.

After the election we were obligated to provide staff for a circus-like ballot counting effort, which resulted in no known victor. The cost of housing, feeding, and transporting the dozens of volunteers
and legal staff was not insignificant.

Now it’s onto the courts.

Alaska state law forbids the counting of write-in votes that do not match the name of the candidate as set forth in the candidate's declaration form, and because the state legislature declared that there will be "no exceptions" to this law, we are challenging the Division of Election's arbitrary decision to ignore this statute.

Also, hundreds – and perhaps even more than 1,000 – of "Joe Miller" ballots were not counted because of the undeniable under-counting by Alaska's automated machine tally. Murkowski's ballots, on
the other hand, received a hand count that resulted in over 1,500 more votes than what the machines tallied.

We have also raised substantive and procedural concerns arising out of the state's creation of a new voting regulation that was never publicized, never vetted for public input, and completely lacked an enabling statute. Under the state Administrative Procedure Act, the regulation should be declared invalid, and that is what the complaint is seeking.

It’s up to the courts now, and we look forward to making our case for a fair election.
Thank you for your support.

Joe Miller

Paid for by Joe Miller for US Senate Defense Fund

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