Sunday, October 31, 2010

Murkowski & CBS Affiliate Conspire to Influence AK Senate Election

RINO Lisa Murkowski and her media allies continue their tricknology campaign against Joe Miller. Gov. Palin posted on Facebook and Tweeted about Dan Fagan being fired from the radio station where he was a talk show host for his support of Joe Miller. The station does not have the budget to fight Murkowski's high-priced, top-flight lawyers, so Fagan got the axe. Gov. Palin graciously came to the defense of a man who for years has been a bitter enemy insulting her and her family on numerous occasions.

In the early morning hours, Big Government and Stacy Drake reported that a CBS Affiliate conspired with Murkowski to release multiple stories smearing Joe Miller in the latest attempt to influence the election in Murkowski's favor. Gov. Palin re-Tweeted the reports as published by Drake on Conservatives4Palin and Big Government.

The following mailing from Tea Party Express also describes what happened and seeks donations to run TV and radio ads against Murkowski.

Volunteers, please submit your stories here.

Yesterday we told you how disgraced RINO Lisa Murkowski is working her "friends" network in the political establishment to try to steal the General Election campaign away from conservative Republican Joe Miller.

Today the news accounts are much worse. First, Murkowski's lawyers forced radio talk show host Dan Fagan off the airwaves because he was advocating for Joe Miller. Murkowski's legal team, backed by millions of dollars in special interest and labor union money, threatened the radio station they would be sued out of existence if they didn't boot Fagan until after the primary - so as to silence his pro-Miller segments on his radio show.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Reporters at the Anchorage CBS TV affiliate were caught red-handed conspiring about how to ambush Joe Miller and come up with an unflattering story, concoting smears against Miller and then saying someone at the Joe Miller rally would surely have to fit the mold.They even suggested the smear of alleging the Miller supporters were child molesters.

Andrew Breitbart has the report up - with the audio of the reporters caught on tape, here:

You will recall during the primary we warned everyone that the political establishment in Alaska was actually quite like the mob. The politics are corrupt, dirty, and outsiders like Joe Miller who
challenge the system, just as Sarah Palin did, are smeared, destroyed, and attacked.

That's what made our victory for Joe Miller in the primary so shocking and so historic.

Now we must ensure we can defeat the political establishment again. Please, we need your help in these final 3 days of the campaign - we MUST fight back.

We urgently need your financial assistance as we place radio and TV ads in support of Joe Miller, and in opposition RINO Lisa Murkowski.

Please, help us fight back. If you can give $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more (up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000 per individual) to our campaign supporting Joe Miller, we can overcome the dirty tricks of Lisa Murkowski's campaign. Contribute online - HERE.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Joe Miller: No More Time

After close of business today, it will be too late for credit card companies to process donations to political campaigns - such as Joe Miller's.

Volunteers, please submit your stories here.

Please donate to Joe Miller

Dear Ronald,

Today is the last day.

By the end
of the day, it will be too late for the credit card companies to process contributions in time to help our campaign.

We need your help to
fund our last-minute crucial Get Out The Vote efforts in Alaska.

Click here to donate

The time is now to bring the message of Constitutional values to Washington. And this race couldn't get any

We're getting down to the wire. We need your help to send every bit of support to our ground team in Alaska before it's too

Every little bit helps. Donate $100, $75, $50 or $25

Because of Alaska's unique geography, our election will likely be one of the last to be decided on election

And make no mistake- our opponents will spare no expense to drag their feet and make this election as hard as possible.

Help us put this election over the top

Thank you always for your continued support.

All the best,

Joe Miller

 paid for by Joe Miller for US Senate

Gov. Palin Campaigns for Joe Miller

Governor Palin yesterday campaigned for Joe Miller before a crowd of 1,500. He is nearing his fund-raising goal of $1.25 million. Meanwhile, the Alaskan write-in campaign soap opera is likely working against Lisa Murkowski who fought to have a write-in candidate list distributed at polling sites. She thus far won that battle, but over 56 angry Alaskans filed to have their names added to the write-in list. Under Alaskan law, a write-in candidate's name is not supposed to appear on ballots.

All content H/T Ian, Lazaran, Doug Brady and Conservatives4Palin

Volunteers, please submit your stories here.

Please donate to Joe Miller

Monday, October 25, 2010

Gov. Palin: Alaska Has Everything to Lose

Governor Palin today called on Alaskans to donate to and support Joe Miller's US Senatorial campaign. "Conservatives need to rally around Joe Miller. He is the only true conservative in this race. While Lisa Murkowski and her special interests have nothing to lose in this race, Alaskans and conservatives across the country have everything to lose," Gov. Palin said.

Volunteers, please submit your stories here.

Please donate to Joe Miller

A Special Message from Sarah Palin:
This November, voters in Alaska and throughout the country have a choice to make.

Alaska needs a senator who will fight for fiscal sanity, support the brave men and women serving in our
, and have the courage to protect the natural beauty of the Last Frontier. Joe Miller will
fight for Alaska's opportunities to develop our natural resources and put Alaskans TO WORK!

They can vote for the status quo – the career politicians who helped get our country in this economic mess – or they can vote for common sense conservatives like Joe Miller.

Fellow conservatives, join me in rallying around Joe! Please support him by making an online donation today.

Conservatives need to rally around Joe Miller. He is the only true conservative in this race.

While Lisa Murkowski and her special interests have nothing to lose in this race, Alaskans and conservatives across the country have everything to lose.

Please donate anything that you can spare to make sure Joe, the true conservative, wins this race.

Joe Miller will fight for the people of Alaska, and this great country. Public service should be an honor not a family dynasty. Show your support for him today.

With an Alaskan heart,
Sarah Palin signature

Lisa’s Gall vs. Miller’s Honor

Governor Palin today posted on Facebook:

I have never seen a candidate stoop as low as was seen last night in Alaska’s senatorial debate.

Alaska’s Joe Miller is facing a tough three-way race for U.S. Senate. Though Joe decisively defeated the incumbent Senator in the primary, and though she conceded the race to him, she reneged on her primary vow to not contest the will of the people. She is now running a write-in campaign bankrolled by Beltway special interests.

I’ve seen some pretty ugly campaigning, and what they’re throwing at Joe right now is nasty. Joe’s opponents can’t run on the issues because they’re wrong on them – whether it’s repealing and de-funding Obamacare, fighting against cap-and-tax, protecting our borders, or pushing hard for responsible resource development. They can’t win in a fair fight on the issues, so they sling mud.

We saw all of this play out in the Alaska senatorial debate yesterday. (Watch the video of the debate here.) Joe took a bold stance for Alaska’s future. He called out the sitting Senator’s involvement in racking up the massive debt burden on our children and grandchildren, as well as her plan to barter over the destructive job-killing cap-and-tax legislation. As Joe said, we should focus on trading “earmarks for ANWR, not cap and trade for ANWR.”

The sitting Senator also came out against Arizona’s right to protect its borders. She calls for us to “enforce the laws that are currently on the books,” but doesn’t seem to understand that that is precisely what Arizona is trying to do to protect itself because the federal government refuses to enforce our laws. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by her lackadaisical attitude to border security when we consider that she has repeatedly voted against funding a border fence and voted in favor of amnesty.

But perhaps the most shocking part of all in this debate was when the incumbent Senator used Joe Miller’s distinguished military service as a means to attack him. Joe Miller graduated from West Point, fought in Desert Storm, and was awarded the Bronze Star for his service to our country. I find it astonishing that a sitting U.S. Senator from Alaska would challenge the honor of a decorated combat veteran. Is it any wonder the audience later booed her when she again challenged Joe Miller’s honor? Please watch the video of this exchange here.

We need to send a message that we’re not going to stand for this arrogant sense of entitlement and business-as-usual Beltway corruption. Joe needs our help to fight back against the influx of special interest money. Please join me in donating any amount you can spare to Joe’s campaign by clicking here. He can lead once he gets to D.C., but he’ll need our help to get to there.

- Sarah Palin

Retrieved from:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

CNN/Time Poll Shows Miller with Commanding Lead

A CNN/Time poll shows that US Senate Candidate Joe Miller has a commanding lead over both his opponents, Ian Lazaran of Conservatives4Palin reported this morning.
Lazaran delineated three principal reasons for Miller’s lead. First, any potential complication with voting for Murkowski in a write-in would likely sway a voter to go with Miller. The poll indicated that 10% of Murkowski’s supporters would indeed switch candidates if they found it difficult to vote for her. Second, the CNN/Time poll was conducted as if Murkowski’s name will appear on the ballot. Being a write-in candidate, her name will not appear on the ballot, which profoundly diminishes the odds of her winning. Finally, with Murkowski in the mix, her presence is only hurting the Democratic candidate and helping Joe Miller. Lazaran concluded:
There are two magic numbers in this race: 38% for Joe Miller and 30% for the clown masquerading as the Alaska Democrat Party Senate nominee. If either scenario happens, Miller has won this race.
Volunteers, please submit your stories here.
Please donate to Joe Miller

Friday, October 15, 2010

Trouble in Alaska

A Tea Party Express email sent overnight indicates that that both Scott McAdams (D) and Lisa Murkowski (I) are catching up to Joe Miller in both financing and polling numbers. A liberal "SuperPAC" has spent $600,000 on an ad blitz to support Murkowski who during the primary railed that she was the "true conservative."

Joe Miller volunteers please send photos, video and campaign experiences to

We've always been straightforward with you about the status of the races for tea party candidates - both when things are good, and when they are not so good.
In Alaska problems are emerging. 

First a new poll shows the race is getting close between conservative Republican Joe Miller and liberals Lisa Murkowski (Independent) and Scott McAdams (Democrat).  Here are the results from a new CFG Poll:

Joe Miller (R):  33%
Lisa Murkowski (I): 31%
Scott McAdams (D): 27%

The other troubling developments are the FEC reports which show Democrat Scott McAdamas has raised $685,000 - which means he has a chance to raise his poll numbers even higher.  And, as we reported yesterday, a liberal "Super PAC" is dumping $600,000+ into an ad blitz supporting Lisa Murkowski and attacking Joe Miller.

Friends, we worked too hard, spent too much money, and accomplished what many thought was unthinkable in helping Joe Miller win the Republican nomination for Senate in Alaska.  We can't let that all go to waste and lose this race.

Please help us fight back for Joe Miller by making a contribution to this campaign online - HERE.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ADN Pursues Miller who Broke No Laws; Leaves Murkowski Alone

The Anchorage Daily News is conducting a smear campaign against Joe Miller for using Unemployment and Medicaid Benefits - both perfectly legal activities - but has nothing to say about Sen. Murkowski who is alleged to have had a cocaine habit (sale, possession, transport, distribution, of cocaine is generally a felony).

Further, public records show that Sen. Murkowski used, then represented PMBR, which helped people cheat on the Alaska bar exam - an exam the good Senator failed four times till finally passing on her fifth attempt. PMBR had to pay an $11.9 million judgment for stealing copyrighted test questions and giving to students for a fee.

What do we hear from the ADN? Silence. Not even one chirping cricket to pierce the publication's stillness. If Joe Miller or Gov. Palin were accused of cheating and facilitating cheating on a bar exam; and felonious drug use, the ADN would blare it on the front page for months straight.

Tell the ADN to investigate these very serious allegations against a sitting Senator, who lost a primary and is in the throes of a futile write-in campaign.

Send a letter to the editor, email, reach out to them on Facebook, and Twitter.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Joe Miller: Gov. Palin Qualified to be President, Extraordinary

H/T Josh Painter, Texas for Sarah Palin. Video retrieved from The Right Scoop.

Joe Miller gave Gov. Palin an unqualified endorsement as a 2012 Presidential candidate, on Laura Ingraham's October 9, 2010 show starting 9:46 into the audio transcript.
"You know, I think I've commented on this probably a dozen times. It's not just Constitutionally qualified obviously. If she were to throw her hat in the ring, she's going to be near the top of the ticket in any of the names out there, better than what we've got, and - but it's more than that. I mean if you look at what the Governor has done across these United States, it's been an extraordinary act, and motivating people to recognize that there is something really wrong at the core and that we've got to change things around. I don't see anybody else doing that on a national basis, and for me - I mean -I don't think I can be any clearer about what I think as far as what she's done."
Ingraham said that leftists are obsessed with destroying Gov. Palin and Christine O'Donnell.

"Watch out if she does decide to run. It's going to be their ever focus. We already saw that before."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Todd Palin: We Support Joe Miller

Video courtesy of Organize4Palin

Todd Palin was interviewed by Amy Kremer of Tea Party Express on KBYR Alaska last night as part of a large-scale radio and TV ad campaign to support Joe Miller. "We support Joe Miller, because he is not afraid to shake it up and he is not afraid to back down with this current administration," Palin said. "Joe's campaign was right on in exposing [Lisa Murkowski's] record," he continued.

Todd Palin's statements last night follow two weeks after emails in which he purportedly asked Miller to endorse Gov. Palin for a 2012 POTUS run were allegedly leaked to Jeanne Chilton Devon, who publishes the liberal hate blog "Mudflats".

Ian Lazaran, Conservatives4Palin wrote,
However, Joe Miller, someone Palin supporters across the country have embraced, is someone who should endorse the Governor given that he wouldn't be where he is today without her support (emphasis mine). Nothing in these e-mails change my perception of Miller. He's a great candidate and will be an incredible leader for conservatives and Alaska in the Senate. Nevertheless, there's nothing wrong at all with what Todd wrote in the e-mail, assuming that it is valid.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Joe Miller's Change DC Ad Campaign

Two weeks ago my defeated opponent re-entered the race as a write-in candidate.  Since that time thousands of Americans have given of their hard-earned money to help us finish this campaign strong. 
We have raised nearly half-a-million dollars!
These new funds have allowed us to expand our campaign against out-of-control spending from Washington, D.C.  We've produced a brand new TV and radio ad to help get the message out.
Click here to watch and listen to these ads.

Share it with your friends and family!

All the best,


Tea Party Express to Unveil Ads and 2-Hr "No Means No Lisa" RadioThon

Tea Party Express will be unveiling its TV and Radio ad campaign to support Joe Miller at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel 10 AM AKDT today. Tea Party Express will also be broadcasting at Two Hour "No Means No Lisa" RadioThon at 6 PM AKDT, featuring Gov. Palin, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and others.

Monday is a big day in our campaign to Defeat Lisa Murkowski once and for all - and help elect Conservative Republican constitutionalist, Joe Miller.
And you get to be a part of this important day!

If you live in Alaska, join us at the Anchorage Hilton hotel (500 West Third Avenue, in downtown Anchorage) at 10:00 AM.  We'll be in one of the hotel ballrooms conducting a news conference, unveiling our new TV and radio ads and we want to have some supporters on hand.  So if you live in the area - please join us!


Then later on everyone can join in the fun as we broadcast a 2-Hour "No Means No, Lisa" RadioThon with a full array of special guests you'll love to hear (including segments featuring Gov. Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and many more!)
The broadcast begins at 6PM Alaska Time, which is 7 PM Pacific, 10 PM Eastern, etc...  RSVP to this event and learn more information here:

You can stream the 2-Hour broadcast here:

During our 2-hour broadcast we're also going to raise $25,000 to help us Defeat Lisa Murkowski once and for all.

You can help us reach our goal by making a contribution online - CONTRIBUTE HERE

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations. 
If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:
Tea Party Express
8795 Folsom Boulevard, Suite 103
Sacramento, CA 95826-3720

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lisa Murkowski Failed Bar Exam 4 Times in a Row

The following mailing from Tea Party Express delineates how Lisa Murkowski failed the bar exam four times in a row. Alaska's Senator by virtue of her father's appointment, Murkowski lost to Joe Miller in the August 24 GOP primary. She has since launched a write-in campaign in a desperate attempt to retain her Senate seat.

Senator Lisa Murkowski has egg on her face today.

All throughout the campaign for U.S. Senate in Alaska, she has attacked the stellar legal record of her challenger, Conservative Republican Joe Miller.  Murkowski's campaign knew that Miller's background as a constitutional scholar made him an ideal candidate in this election enviornment.

So Murkowski did all she could to attack and distort his legal background and abilities. She even had her minions going to reporters off the records telling them awful things about Joe Miller's legal background - the problem is, those things weren't true.

Now we find out it's even worse than we thought, folks.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  The McClatchy newspaper group is reporting today that Lisa Murkowski failed the bar exam 4 Times in a row.

And yet Lisa sat there for months trying to falsely smear Joe Miller's impeccable legal background.  Now we know why - she knew he had her beat on that too, and she hid her secret while smearing Miller.

Please - help us send a very strong message to Lisa Murkowski as we defeat her handily once more.  Contribute to our campaign against Lisa Murkowski and for Joe Miller - CONTRIBUTE HERE

We still need at least 194 more people to make a contribution of $100 or more so we can put an end to Lisa Murkowski's career once and for all.  And if you can afford a contribution of $250, $500, $1,000 or more - up to $5,000 - it will be very helpful.

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations. 
If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:
Tea Party Express
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812