Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lisa Murkowski Failed Bar Exam 4 Times in a Row

The following mailing from Tea Party Express delineates how Lisa Murkowski failed the bar exam four times in a row. Alaska's Senator by virtue of her father's appointment, Murkowski lost to Joe Miller in the August 24 GOP primary. She has since launched a write-in campaign in a desperate attempt to retain her Senate seat.

Senator Lisa Murkowski has egg on her face today.

All throughout the campaign for U.S. Senate in Alaska, she has attacked the stellar legal record of her challenger, Conservative Republican Joe Miller.  Murkowski's campaign knew that Miller's background as a constitutional scholar made him an ideal candidate in this election enviornment.

So Murkowski did all she could to attack and distort his legal background and abilities. She even had her minions going to reporters off the records telling them awful things about Joe Miller's legal background - the problem is, those things weren't true.

Now we find out it's even worse than we thought, folks.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  The McClatchy newspaper group is reporting today that Lisa Murkowski failed the bar exam 4 Times in a row.

And yet Lisa sat there for months trying to falsely smear Joe Miller's impeccable legal background.  Now we know why - she knew he had her beat on that too, and she hid her secret while smearing Miller.

Please - help us send a very strong message to Lisa Murkowski as we defeat her handily once more.  Contribute to our campaign against Lisa Murkowski and for Joe Miller - CONTRIBUTE HERE

We still need at least 194 more people to make a contribution of $100 or more so we can put an end to Lisa Murkowski's career once and for all.  And if you can afford a contribution of $250, $500, $1,000 or more - up to $5,000 - it will be very helpful.

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations. 
If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:
Tea Party Express
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812

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